Wednesday 6 February 2008


There are loads of breeds of Dogs, like Dalmation, German Shepherd, Husky, Labrador and Golden Retriever. Each has a different personality and some dogs may be good at some things, while others are not, like German Shephers are good Guard dogs, Husky's are good sled dogs and Labradors are good guide dogs.
Some dogs need different things, like certain breeds have a long coat of hair, while others have short hair, the long hair breeds need lots of grooming, the short hair breeds don't.

My fave breeds are Husky, Dalmation, German Shepherd and Labrador!
There are about 800 breeds of dog, some like the Cavilear King Charles Spaniel are bred for their colour, they are also used as pets, the German Shepherd is also bred for it's colour and it's guard dog skill.

There are estimated to be 400,000,000 dogs in the world.(WOW)

Some dogs are cross bred.....that means their parents were two different breeds.....thay may have the skills off both parents.
A dog that is a cross is called a mutt.


There are many animals on our planet, some can only be found in special places.
The Galapogos island is a home to a diversity of species.
Some animals are so rare that like the Snow leopard are almost extinct.
Others are endangered, some have a low risk and some are extinct.
The Panda,Snow leopard,White lion and Grey wolf are endangered.
Endanged species is a type of animal that is at risk of becoming extinct, because it has a small population or it's habitat is threatened.
The conservation status is a conversation status of a species is an indicator of that species becoming extinct.
It looks like:

Conservation status

Risk of extinction

Extinct in the Wild
Critically Endangered

Lower risk
Conservation Dependent

Near Threatened
Least Concern

Some species like the Dodo, mammoth and the thylacine are extinct.
Others are extinct in the wild like the Barbary lion and the Pere david's deer.
Some are critically endangered like the Red wolf and the Giant sable antelope.
The Siberian tiger is Endangered.
With the Polar bear and the Dugong Vunerable.
The Bay checkerspot butterfly is an example of a threatened species.
The Southern right whale and the Leopard shark are Conservation dependent.
Near threatened spesies include the maned wolf and the small clawed otter.
Many animals are in the least concern, some are Spiny dogfish and Moss frogs.

One man spent five years in the mountains where Snow leopards live and never saw one!
Zoos have breeding programs for certain species, that will breed the animal and release it back into the wild.
Animals live in many different places and survive in different ways.

Animals eat different things, some animals are Carnivores (Meat), some are Herbivores (Grass,Leaves,Twigs....), Omnivores (Everything) and some are Insectavores (Insects) We don't use Insectavore much anymore.

My fave zoo is Chester zoo, because it is fantastic, i used to go there with my parents friends, because my brothers b-day is close to one of theirs, so we used to go to the zoo, as a b-day treat. It has lots of animals, including, Lions and Elephants.

Tuesday 29 January 2008


Hampsters are a house pet, they are rodents. The best know species of hampsters are the syrian or golden hampsters. They love going in an exercise wheel, many hampsters carry food from the source, by storing it in their cheeks.

Hampsters live in cages that providee all they need, eg- food, water, exercise, bed.

They are omnivores which means they eat anything.

Some breeds of hampster are solitary and will fight to the death if kept together, while others will get along very nicely.

The main breeds are:

The Syrian or Golden Hamster.
The dwarf hamster-Campbell's Dwarf Hamster.
The Roborovski Hamster.
The Chinese Hamster.


Cats are used as house pets but they tend to wonder. A baby cat is called a kitten.
Cats, especially kittens love to play, they will chase a laser pointer, they also cannot resist a dangling piece of string or rope, but this can couse the rope/string to be cought in thier intestines, which can couse death in extreme cases.
Cats have a fondness for heights, if a cat fall from a height then it can right itself.
Cats have excellent hearing, taste, touch and smell senses, this makes hunting easier.
Their vision at night is much superior to that of a human, however their vision at night is inferior.
They can also hear sound that are of higher pitch, they are also obligate carnivors
A cats act of self-defense includes hissing, arching their back, raising their fur and turning sideways.
Beware for cats may hunt and then bring their dead prey to you, so one day you might find a dead bird, mouse or rat dead on the kitchen floor!
Ethologist Paul Leyhausen proposed that cats adopt humans into their social group, and share excess kill with others in the group according to the local pecking order, in which humans are placed at or near the top. However, anthropologist and animal scientist Desmond Morris in his 1986 book Catwatching suggests that when cats bring home mice or birds they have caught, they are teaching their human to hunt, or helping their human as if feeding (his words) "an elderly, inept kitten". Another possibility is that presenting the kill might be a relic of a kitten's behavior of demonstrating for its mother's approval that it has developed the necessary skill for hunting. Indoor cats will often retain their hunting instinct and deliver small household items to their owners, such as watches, pens, pencils, and other objects they can carry in their mouths.

Wednesday 23 January 2008


I love horses, i think they are great.
A baby horse is called a foal, a male foal is called a colt and a female foal is called a filly, an adult male is called a Stallion and a adult female is called a Mare.
There are many different breeds of horses, the different breeds excell in different things. For example a Hanoverian will excell in jumping, a Thoroughbred will excell in galloping and speed.
There are also Quater horses, Canadien horse, Lippanzear(SP) and Appaloosa plus more.

Horses can be used in a variety of sports....including Showjumping(Fave)Dressage(Borin)Polo and Cross Country.
Britains most famous family for Equestrian sports is the Whitickar(sp) family.

The whitickar(sp) family do the Poissonce(sp) which is showjumping, but it is in stages and the people who knock a jump down are out, also as you progress the jumps get higher. It is a very hard competition.

Showjumping is simple........all you do is ride around an arena in a paticular order and jump the jumps in order....if you knock one down it is a penalty.

Cross-Country is also have to go cross-country and jump a variety of jumps along the way.

Dressage is very have to ride around doing a certain sequence of complicated moves.